Charlottetown Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Society

Hygiene & Safety

  1. No talons. TRIM your nails and toenails. Why? When you are sparring, things are flying around the air in 3 dimensions (4-5 if you’re rolling with a black belt). You don’t want one of those things to be your overly long, overly sharp nail… Your nails and toenails can cause nasty cuts and even nightmare-worthy cuts on someone’s eyeball. Keep your conscience clean, trim your nails.
  2. Clean your uniform after every class. Yes, EVERY class. In order to make sure that our academy is clean and safe from infections, we need to make sure that everyone is doing their part, keeping germs and bacteria away. You may read on the internet that leaving your gi in the sun kills bacteria too. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. A splash of fabric-safe bleach or a cup of vinegar in the rinse cycle will keep your gi smelling fresh. Always bring a clean gi/no gi gear if you are participating in multiple classes in a day.
  3. Don't let your gear ferment in your bag. If you can’t wash your gear right after training, make sure to remove it from the bag to dry. Make sure to also wash the bag so funk doesn’t grow on it. Pro tip: Bring a moisture-tight bag with you to training to take your sweaty stuff out in a neat package.
  4. Shower after every training session. Showering before training is also a courteous move. Jiu-jitsu is a high contact sport, you will not only have your sweat on you, but it will also be the sweat of other people. Showering immediately after training is the best move. Make sure you are odor-free when stepping on the mats for training.
  5. Always have footwear on when walking off the mats. This one is a very simple rule: Never walk with footwear on the mats, never walk without it off the mats. This prevents nasty floor germs from making their way to our meticulously cleaned mats. If you only have boots or fancy shoes, take advantage of our emergency flip flops.
  6. Don't train if you're sick. Never train if you are sick with an easily communicable disease like the flu or the common cold. This is a major jerk move. Not only is it not good for YOU to train when sick, but you’ve also now brought a virus for all of your friends. If you can’t get off the grind no matter what, then do some stretches or easy bodyweight exercises at home. Have some tea, watch some BJJ instructionals. Training while sick with an infectious illness is cause for suspension or cancellation of your contract. Charlottetown BJJ instructors will ask members to not participate in a class if they display any symptoms of an infectious illness.
  7. Don't train if you even suspect you may have a skin infection. Skin infections are common in grappling sports, and nothing to be ashamed about IF TREATED RESPONSIBLY. Never, ever train if you suspect that you have a skin infection. If you are even a tiny bit worried, show it to one of the instructors or your physician. It’s incredibly important to not train because many skin infections are very contagious. Members should return to training when the skin infection has completely healed and the prescription medications course has been completed.
  8. Cover up cuts & scratches. Properly cover your cuts and scratches before training. If you are unsure about the taping technique, ask one of our instructors. Life has cut them many, many times, they are experienced in all kinds of taping techniques.
  9. Protect your hair. If you have long hair make sure to get it under control by tying it tightly. This will save you time during the class and make sure your hair is safe.
  10. Remove makeup. Always remove makeup prior to training. Makeup and fresh hair dye can transfer easily to your training partner’s gi and it can be difficult to remove the stains completely. Makeup remover wipes are provided in the women's change room.